About Us

The library of scripture is 66 books, written by over 40 authors, on three continents, over a period of 1800 years, using three ancient languages, multiple literary genres and communicated through a peculiar & contradictory worldview. What’s the chances we’ve misinterpreted it? Every time we read it we have to overcome the hurdles of Time and Space and Culture. Let us equip you…

Our Mission

“The Stones Cry Out are dedicated to helping people understand the power of God’s Word in its original Ancient Near Eastern context, so that they can make an impact in theirs.”

The Numbers

Here’s our history at a glance…






British Museum

Join us on a voyage of Bible discovery as we immerse ourselves in the Ancient Near Eastern World by exploring the amazing collection of biblical artefacts curated by the British Museum, London.

Encounter: Israel

St Jerome declared that the physical land of Israel was the key to unlocking the gospels. Journey with us to Israel to encounter the History, Geography Culture and Messiah at the heart of God’s big story.


Nothing quite beats quality, interactive, Holy Spirit empowered teaching. So why not request one of our experienced speakers to lead, host, teach or preach at your institution or event?

Online Courses

‘In Rhythm with God: Reading Scripture through Hebrew Eyes’ is a developing catalogue of modular courses that work together to help you really ‘get’ the Bible in the world it was written.


We have taken time to curate a collection of great resources that we have discovered and produced to help you get ‘under the skin’ of the Bible. Come and explore these keys to fresh understanding.


Delve into our collection of free accessible articles & video teaching to help you explore the Historical, Geographical and Cultural backdrop of the scriptures. Feel free to read, watch and share.


We believe excellence is a natural outworking of a Kingdom lifestyle and so it is always a pleasure to receive feedback from our guests. We believe they are our best advert. Here they are in their own words…

British Museum Tour


Fourteen of us were guided around the British Museum by Mark last Saturday.  It was a most amazing and informative experience. There were many ‘Wow!’ moments!  Mark’s knowledge and passion for Bible history brought parts of the Bible to life in a fresh way, and helped both to set Biblical accounts in world history and for us to comprehend more of the God who is over all of history. Awesome! I would highly recommend this Tour.

Chris Brockwell

Encounter: Israel

I have been privileged to visit Israel many times, but on my most recent trip Mark from ‘The Stones Cry Out’, guided us on a journey following Christ’s footsteps.  His teachings were, quite simply, inspired.  Mark’s extensive theological knowledge, his sensitive and spiritual interpretation and empathetic leadership all led to a unique, amazing and blessed encounter – and set in God’s own land.  It is impossible to describe the experience – it was not a visit, it was an ENCOUNTER…

Jill Raggett

In Rhythm With God Course

Probably one of the most insightful and fascinating courses I have attended. It brought the Old Testament to life and added a greater depth of meaning to the New Testament, particularly the Gospels. Absolutely invaluable and enjoyable!

Donna King: Director Eastgate

British Museum Tour


It’s like an intellectual Disneyland… TSCO combine an in-depth knowledge of the Old Testament with a wonderful historical backdrop. The exhibits at the museum are presented in the context of a flowing narrative, clearly linking in the events of the bible with what is on show. This is an amazing example of a teaching gift at work. Our Guide Mark’s passion for scripture and the history surrounding it, ensure that this is so much more than a routine museum tour. A thoroughly enjoyable day that will stimulate your thinking as well as building your faith….The best day out in London I’ve had in a long time.

Dr David Carter

Encounter: Israel


When my wife and I went on TSCO’s Israel Encounter it exceeded our expectations in ways we could not have imagined. Mark, our guide, gave us moments of insight into the history of the Bible and its archaeology that will stay with us forever. Would I go again? Absolutely!

Patrick Mayfield: Outlier Academy

In Rhythm With God Course

Through the ‘In Rhythm with God’ sessions, Mark opened up to us such a revelation of how life REALLY was at the time of Christ. Stories we thought we knew and understood, were suddenly turned on their head as the reality of those times was unpacked for us… and Father’s love for us felt ever greater.

Sarah Alexander

British Museum Tour

The Stones Cry Out tour was absolutely awe-inspiring.  There are times when things I read about in the Bible feel more real as I remember what I’d seen on the tour and how Mark with joyfully over-flowing knowledge, skillfully helped us join the dots with the historical and biblical times. What I learned and experienced on the tour spills into my ministry to schools and churches when I present the Big Story of the Bible to children across my region. I hope that I can do the tour again as I know there’s more!

Andy Jones: Raise Childrens Work

Encounter: Israel


Visiting the Holy Land always inspires and informs, but going there in the company of Rev. Mark Hendley was a real game-changer.  Mark’s knowledge of biblical history and Scripture, combined with his understanding of archaeology and Jewish culture, meant that I learned so much more, I understood better and my faith was greatly strengthened.

I will always remember sitting in the remains of the synagogue at Capernaum as Mark spoke about the life of a Rabbi and discipleship. Altogether an unforgettable 10 days!

Chrissy Hudson: Churches Together Swanley


It has been our pleasure to serve believers from 21 nations and the following organisations…